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Fiscal Controls & Responsibilities

At CDC of Tampa we take our responsibility as stewards of public and private funds extremely seriously, and we work hard to ensure that those resources are used as efficiently and effectively as possible to assist those we serve. 


Our Chief Financial Officer

CDC of Tampa's Chief Financial Officer is responsible for managing and reporting the organization's finances.  He is the key point of contact for the stakeholders listed below. 


Our Board of Directors

CDC of Tampa's Board of Directors includes local leaders from businesses, financial institutions, and government entities.  All internal and external auditors report directly to our Board of Directors, and a standing Finance Committee of the Board meets monthly to review all pertinent financial matters. Our Annual Report identifies our Board members, as well as our fiscal health, to the community-at-large. 


Our Auditors

Each year, CDC  of Tampa enlists a certified public accounting firm to audit our financial records and prepare our IRS Form 990 annual tax return for nonprofit organizations.  Presently, the firm of Rivero, Gordimer & Company, P.A. serves as our external auditor

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